Discussion Session 5/2/2013

Subscribe to Discussion Session 5/2/2013 2 posts, 1 voice

UT Austin (c... Administator 216 posts

edited almost 12 years ago

Matthew Buckley (Fermilab) will lead the discussion session on the recent CDMS Silicon result. Some relevant references are:

The CDMS Si analysis

CDMS Ge low energy analysis

Reanalysis of the low energy CDMS data by Collar et al

Cogent modulation analysis

Xenon analyses 10, 100 and comment by Sorensen

CRESST search and comment by Kuznial et al.

Some relevant theory papers Fox et al., Mao et al., Kelso et al., Del Nobile et al.

UT Austin (c... Administator 216 posts

edited almost 10 years ago

Matt’s slides can be found here.