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Technical Details

Subscribe to Technical Details 2 posts, 1 voice

UT Austin (c... Administator 216 posts

edited 12 years ago

This topic is meant to provide helpful information to deal with technical issues related to the interactive forum sessions or with features of this website.

UT Austin (c... Administator 216 posts

edited 5 years ago

Basic instructions on using Adobe Connect:

  • Adobe Connect should work on Windows, Mac as well as Linux. Depending on your browser, you may need to install an add-on. You may also be asked to modify your security settings for the add-on to work. It would be a good idea to test this in advance by clicking on the link for the meeting.

  • Once the Adobe Connect window is active, make sure that the loudspeaker icon on the top of the page is on (otherwise you won’t receive any audio).

  • When you want to speak or ask a question, you will also need to turn the microphone icon on (next to the loudspeaker icon). If this is already on when you log in, you may want to turn it off until you actually want to speak. This will help reduce audio feedback.

  • In case you try to log in significantly before the meeting time, you may get an error message such as “The meeting has already ended”. This means nothing, and you should be able to log in normally close the scheduled time.

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