Upcoming Talk Schedule
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/11/14: Felix Yu (Fermilab) will discuss the recent CMS constraint on the Higgs width, and a short update on Higgs coupling measurements. Felix’s slides are posted on the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
5/2/14: Stefan Hoeche (SLAC) will tell us about the electroweak production of dijets in association with vector bosons. Stefan’s slides are posted on the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
9/8/14: Joshua Berger will discuss some recent CMS searches for W’ and leptoquarks. For related materials, see the following link. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
9/24/14: Sebastian Jaeger will cover the anomaly. Talk slides are at the following link. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
10/8/14: Gudrun Hiller will discuss lepton universality in b->s transitions. The experimental paper and her talk slides can found at this link |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
10/29/14: Admir Greljo (University of Zurich) will talk about the recent CMS search for lepton flavor violating decays of the Higgs boson in the mu-tau channel. References relevant for Admir’s talk and his slides can be found on the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
11/12/14: Alex Drlica-Wagner (Fermilab, and member of Fermi LAT) will discuss recent results from the Fermi search for DM annihilation in dwarf spheroidals. Alex’s slides can be found on the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
12/17/14: Pier Monni (Oxford) will discuss the claimed excess in the WW cross section measurement, and subsequent developments. Pier’s slides can be found at the following link. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
2/11/15: Tom Crawford (University of Chicago, South Pole Telescope Experiment) will give a seminar on the joint analysis of BICEP2/Keck Array and Planck data. His slides are available at link. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
2/18/15: Brian Shuve (Perimeter Institute) will give an overview of searches for displaced objects at the LHC. For related materials, see the following website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
3/11/15: Matt Buckley (Rutgers University) will talk about searching for gamma-ray emission from dark matter annihilation in the Large Magellanic Cloud with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Matt’s slides are available at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
3/18/15: Cora Dvorkin (CFA, Harvard) will discuss the recent update on the values of cosmological parameters by the PLANCK collaboration (http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1502.01589). Cora’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/1/15: Andrey Katz (CERN & University de Geneve) will discuss the status of searches for stops in the stealth region (with an emphasis on spin correlations). Andrey’s slides are posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/8/15: Regina Caputo (UC Santa Cruz) will discuss searches for Dark Matter Annihilation in dwarf spheroidals by the Fermi collaboration as well as by others, including results concerning Reticulum 2. Regina’s slides are posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/15/15: Wolfgang Altmannshofer (Perimeter Institute) will give a talk on the results of b -> s l+ l- analyses. Wolfgang’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/22/15: Peter Onyisi (ATLAS, University of Texas at Austin) will give an update on the status of searches in the t-tbar-Higgs channel. Peter’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/29/15: William Dawson (UC Davis, Lawrence Livermore National Lab) will tell us about the analysis of merging clusters by Massey et al. and implications for dark matter self interactions. Will’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
5/13/15: Jared Evans (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) will discuss searches for opposite-sign same-flavor dileptons plus missing energy (plus jets) final states in ATLAS and CMS. Jared’s slides are available at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
9/16/15: Jeremy Mardon (Stanford) will discuss searches for light dark matter via electron scattering in direct detection experiments. Jeremy’s slides posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
9/30/15: Zhen Liu (Fermilab) will give an overview of the ATLAS and CMS searches in the boosted dibosons decaying to hadrons. Zhen’s slides can be found at the website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
10/7/15: Jernej Kamenik (Jozef Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana & CERN) will discuss searches for violation of lepton universality. Jernej’s slides will be posted at the forum website shortly before the talk. |
U. Oregon (c...
75 posts
edited 9 years ago |
11/19/15: Benjamin Safdi (MIT) will tell us about the status of the gamma ray excess from the center of the Milky Way, in particular vis-a-vis the contribution of point sources. Ben’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
1/27/16: Simona Murgia (UC Irvine, Fermi) will give a talk on the recent Fermi-LAT analysis of gamma ray emission from the Galactic Center (from November 2015). Simona’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
2/10/16: Simon Knapen (UC Berkeley, LBNL) will give an overview of the experimental details and the proposed theoretical models associated with the diphoton excess recently observed by ATLAS and CMS. Simon’s slides are posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
3/2/16: Ilias Cholis (Johns Hopkins & FNAL) will discuss the recent LIGO results and potential connections to dark matter in the form of primordial black holes. His slides will be posted at the forum website link. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/20/16: Christophe Grojean (DESY) will give an overview of the SHiP experiment (at SPS), which is designed to search for very weakly interacting long lived particles. Christophe’s slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
4/27/16: Chris Bouchard (College of William&Mary) will give an overview of lattice studies of B and B_s meson mixing. Chris’ slides will be posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
5/4/16: Lucas Macri (Texas A&M) will discuss a recent measurement of the Hubble constant based on the data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and the tension with the value obtained from measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Lucas’ slides are posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
9/21/16: Jonathan Kozaczuk (UMass Amherst) will give a talk on the observation of an anomaly in the nuclear transitions of Beryllium and its potential new physics explanation. Jonathan’s slides are posted at the forum website. |
U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts |
10/5/16: Kenny Ng (Weizmann Inst.) will give us an update on the status of the 3.5 keV excess. Kenny’s slides are at the following link. |