Forums LHC - jets

Discussion Session 7/2/14

Subscribe to Discussion Session 7/2/14 2 posts, 1 voice

UT Austin (c... Administator 216 posts

edited 11 years ago

Jared Evans (Rutgers University) will give us an overview of searches for R-parity violating supersymmetry scenarios. The list of searches that Jared will focus on is:

jets: CMS RPV gluino

jets: ATLAS RPV gluino

jets: ATLAS RPV stop

jets: CMS RPV stop

lepton+jets: CMS 2nd gen. leptoquark

lepton+jets: CMS 3rd gen. leptoquark

multilepton: ATLAS RPV gluino/chargino

multilepton: CMS RPV stop

multilepton: CMS LLE

ATLAS LLE resonance

ATLAS displaced muon

UT Austin (c... Administator 216 posts

edited 9 years ago

Jared’s slides can be found here.

Forums LHC - jets