Discussion Session 10/27/11

Subscribe to Discussion Session 10/27/11 2 posts, 1 voice

U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts

edited 13 years ago

CMS-PAS-SUS-11-010: Search for new physics with same-sign isolated dilepton events with jets and missing energy

Discussion led by Patrick Fox at

Analysis is at paper link

U. Oregon (c... Moderator 75 posts

edited 13 years ago

Here is a summary of some of the issues that came up during the talk.

  1. On charge misreconstruction, there was some discussion on whether it was a good approximation to apply a simple reweighting (by a single constant factor), when the discrepancy in figure 14 seemed to be dependent on M ee. Another question was whether it would help to restrict to η<1, as the charge misreconstruction is much smaller there. In the end, since electron misreconstruction backgrounds are expected to be small, the first issue doesn’t affect the end result and it would hurt in signal statistics if the analysis went more central without a gain in signal to background.
  2. There is interest in seeing more information about their events. Distributions in lepton and jets would be useful in certain models, but also as a check that the background modeling is understood. Overall, their analysis seems to be very inclusive, so any more detailed information is useful. However, their data-driven methods may have issues with finer distributions, as they become statistics limited.
  3. Given that CMS very nicely gave parametrized efficiencies for detector level leptons and H T, E T miss, it would be useful to apply this to constrain other models, such as Little Higgs. Currently, there is only the CMSSM analysis in the paper and a simplified model of gluino pair production, decaying into qq¯χ +, where χ +χ 0ν.